Saturday 3 December 2011

My mistake...

This is history. I'm extremely arrogant even more so, proud. I rarely admit I'm wrong. And for those who know me, close your mouth. It's happening...

I started this blog to inspire people to THINK. Preferably in a non-tradional manner. Not just black, white or even shades of grey. Full 64 bit colour and more so.

Why am I wrong? People do think. (referring to reason for my blog) Constantly. Not always productively though. To quote Gareth Cliff (again) "Opinions are like arseholes... Everybody has one." This of course means that people do think in their own light. It was selfish of me to impress my thoughts on random people. Even if it was to strike up discussions.

What I do implore of anyone, even if it's just one person, is to stop just "thinking" or "talking" but "do". I mentioned in one of previous blogs that Yoda was wrong. There is something called "try" and I still stand firmly by it.

"If you don't buy a lottery ticket, don't expect to win."

In the same light, "if you don't vote, you can't complain about how the country is run" or " you can't complain about load shedding if your geyser is on 24/7"

We all complain. We all have opinions and ideas. Quite a few of them are good. A lot of them conform to the view of the masses. Very few are actioned.

Let's look at the "Secrecy bill." So many of us are against it. People keep on saying."fight against it"

How? I want to fight against it and I'm sure many people will as well. Many will also be opposed and do nothing, yet complain if it's.passed. And some will be glad it's passed.

There will be debate about "do you know what you ACTUALLY fighting against?" and let's be honest, how many people have ACTUALLY read and truly understand it. That's a different debate altogether. A democracy SHOULD mean, every single citizen SHOULD have a say. End of story.

My questions are "Who is taking ownership of the retalition?" "Who has a proper action plan to have the people's voice heard?" Wearing black on a Tuesday means nothing legally. Times are different today vs 20 years ago. Most people have a ton of black clothong in their cupboard. It's no longer a colour only worn at funerals.What can we do to make a REAL difference?

By now, most may ask "OK you arrogant lazy b****, why the heck don't you take up the flag?"

The answer is relatively simple:
1. I don't have any legal or political background. I.e. I would be on the back foot from the beginning without knowing where to start.
2. I may come from an above OK financial background, I don't have the resources to fight this alone. Are you telling me Carte Blanche/Mnet/Multichoice/Other media can't afford it? It does after all affect them directly the most. Also, if the DA is so opposed, why don't they get some followers/support and action something?!? Stop just saying/complaining... DO!!!
3. I have a small following. Word wont spread quick enough, if at all. Sad I know. (On that note: If you like what I say, spread the word. Facebook//Tweet/Blog about me. Even talk about me! That's what doing is all about after all)
4. I tend to talk sense, my charisma tends to align to sense, not much inspiration. People don't always care abput logic. Entertainment is usually a winner. My followers (or lack thereof) is testament to that. Not putting myself down, just being realistic.

I'm not saying you're the "Action Man" (or woman) but you can spread the word. Whether it's mine, your own or someone elses you agree with. Eventually, someone with means will do something. By at least suggesting something. More than an opinion, quirky remark, expression of anger, but something of meaningful content, and then gues what... You're doing something!

Continue to think. Start if you haven't. Great people have valuable opinions and words of wisdom. No one would have known they were great if they didn't do something to get there. So be great and do something.

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