Monday 21 November 2011

Black Tuesday

1. The crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
2. The action of betraying someone or something.

By now people are probably wondering what Treason has to do with the Protection of Information Bill (POIB) controversy in South Africa. The point of the above define is to simply point out that identifying corruption is NOT a crime against government. Identifying corrupt individuals who represent our country in the political manner is NOT an attempt to kill our leader NOR an attempt to overthrow our government.

What the POIB does affect, by definition, is:

Freedom of speech
The right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.

Slander is one thing. Political parties tend to pride themselves around this ability, especially at election time. Is it morally wrong? Yes. Should it be illegal? Of course not.

1994 was the defining moment in South African history. My generation and younger fail to truly appreciate the true meaning of freedom. Yes the country is far from.perfect yet, but we've mostly been brought up ignorant of what our parents and fore fathers went through. Hearing stories of the past is nothing compared to living it.
I, for one, do not want to relive the fight, the struggle, my parents already went through.  "Children are the future" and we are the children of the future. A chance for a new beginning. A chance for a great leap forward for our country and ourselves. Do not let the government deny us what was once fought so hard for.
Corruption will always happen in government. Even in the #1 nation in the world. Bush - oil, need I say more? If we're not allowwd to talk about it, how can we keep it to a minimum impact?

Black Tuesday intends to promote awareness about the POIB. I urge everyone who cares for a single persons voice to wear black. Tweet, blog, facebook, even Google it! Call whoever needs to be called, email whoever needs to be mailed. Every little bit will help. Wearing black and supporting a cause means nothing without action.

Right now we are still a democracy by definition. If that means anything, they should listen to the people. I just wish they rather would get the people to support the bill than oppose it. I guanrantee you, due to the simple fact that people are lazy by nature, the majority of people opposed will not act because they do not want to go through the possible tedious motions.
Freedom is best appreciated when fought for...

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